Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All I want

is to start college already. I am so scared about it. I hate not being able to sleep well and being nervous about it all the time. Ughhh. I just want to get the dreadful first day over with haha. I hope I can make it to my classes on time and what not. We will see. I'm super excited to move in though! I got a ton of cute stuff for my dorm.

Some towels and washcloths! Now I'll be squeaky clean.
The Olague Family made me this super warm blanket<3

a really cool desk lamp. It has so many compartments!
A GIANT cd case to hold all of my cds.
Mattress pad so my bed is a little bit more comfortable. (:
A big yellow bowl that I prefer to use as a hat.
Tall cups for mah draaanks!
Measuring cups and spoons just in case.
Some plates!
Another big measuring cup!
Dish towels.
Some bowls for my cereal and top ramen!
Silverware to eat with because I'm not a caveman.
And chip clips that also work as magnets!

And the best part is that most of the yellow kitchen ware was only a dollar at target! Plus it is yellow haha. No one will mistake my stuff for theirs. Unless of course theirs is yellow also. Pretty neat huh? I think so. Thanks Mom!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

So bummed.

I definitely got a call today from H&M. I applied to work there near the beginning of summer and when do they call me saying I may have the job? Today... I MOVE IN A MONTH FOR COLLEGE! Ugh. I'm so disappointed because I would absolutely LOVE to work there. But of course there is absolutely no way I could make that work. I'd be so stressed out. So I turned it down. Natalie was very nice about it though. So that's good. Maybe I can apply to one in LA closer to my school. We'll see.

AHH I move out in 27 days! I am stoked. I can't wait to meet my roommate and the people in the suite. I can't wait to decorate. But to be completely honest, I am scared to leave my parents. As much as I say that I want to move out and that I hate them, I don't. I just get angry sometimes. Like everyone does.

Well I should go clean now. I have procrastinated enough today. Byee!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm desperate to know how you are.

So I haven't used this in a while. As you can tell, my look has changed a bit. I donated my hair to locks of love (:  But I am going to get back into the swing of things. I mean I have a tumblr [] and twitter [] and daily booth []. Not to mention my myspace and facebook. I just collect websites like it is going out of style (:

But I need to blog again. Like really blog. About nothing, about everything, just for me. Things have been hectic lately. It is starting to hit me hard that everything is going to change and way fast. All my friends are leaving for college with the few exceptions. It is going to be weird not seeing everyone everyday and that scares me. But for now I will just enjoy what is left of summer.

I finally got sushi today and i have been craving it for so long! Gah it was so good. haha. And it was nice to see Max, Jacqui, Michelle and everyone else who was at his dinner. (: But I'm sleepy so I will blog more tomorrow. Goodnight!